Little and often

by Mothership on January 23, 2009

This is how one is supposed to eat if one wants to lose weight.

I don’t particularly want to lose any weight, in fact I’d like to gain it, but not on my arse, just in people’s estimation of my brilliance and also in the numbers of visitors to this blog so when I go and look, obsessively, at the stats, I have gazillions of visitors, not just me and my mum.

I have bored myself silly reading ‘tips on driving traffic to your blog’ this morning which include leaving interesting comments on other people’s blogs (I did that, it was quite fun actually although I suspect you’re not supposed to be rude about the writing) and I have made a list of things to do which will probably end up in the pile of my other lists of things to do, untouched since Christmas. 

However, I can plainly see that it is going to be important to try and post frequently, even if it’s just a little bit, and this I am going to try to commit to, so you can check back more often, and if you can’t be bothered to do that, then you will, at least, have a few more things to read.
I’m also going to take some photos – I got a camera, it’s a bit of a fancy one so you can expect some completely blank, dark spaces for a few weeks while I get the hang of it before there are any beautiful, Cecil B De Mille style portraits or fabulous avant-garde shots in here – but I will be letting you all in on the visuals of my fabulous and amazing lifestyle and you will be frothing at the mouth with envy.
Or not.

Ok, that’s enough now.  Any more and I might get fat.

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