A Toe in the Water of Technology..

by Mothership on February 25, 2009

Dear Readers,

This is a substandard post.

I am merely warning you that I may not actually write anything of note (this assuming that you think I do, anyway) for a day or two while I fiddle around with a new, rather more complex theme for the blog that I am assured will dazzle everyone with its stunning beauty and alluring layout.

It has been brought to my attention, not a few times, that the visual appeal of the current one is somewhat limited, and when I visit other peoples’s blogs I am forced to agree.  

Back in the good old days I could have gotten one of my willing nerd-serfs to do this job for me – always seemed to be some chap about just gagging to come over to do a useful and tedious chore in exchange for the pleasure of listening to me utter insincere compliments and excessive protestations that I couldn’t possibly manage on my own while I fussed around with the kettle and packets of biscuits. Since marriage and children they have dropped off rather and I am forced to do the dirty work myself. Ironic, really. Husband totally uninterested in computers and DIY and would not mind (read notice) at all if I kept a coterie of adoring swains trooping through the house, save the increase in the tea bill  but I seem to have lost the knack of attracting them. 

Anyway, I digress.  My point is that I shall be a little less verbose than usual and the look of the blog might be a bit, for want of a better word, erratic over the next few days. It could well get a lot worse before it gets better.  

But bear with me! I will just be moving bits of furniture about behind the scenes with my pinny on and a scarf tied around my head. Try to imagine me looking pink cheeked with a charming smudge of dust across my nose, instead of dirty haired, furious and sweating, threatening the computer with bits of vicious-looking broken code..

Hopefully we’ll both come out looking much more refreshed.


1 nappyvalleygirl February 26, 2009 at 1:46 am

I too struggle with layout. Why oh why did I never take the design side of journalism college seriously? Giggled at those who pored over the pictures, column inches and glue (yes, although Quark Xpress existed then the postgrad course did not stretch to it) while assuming that all I’d ever do is write words….

nappyvalleygirl’s last blog post..Are grannies the new nannies?

2 Jessica K February 26, 2009 at 3:23 am

Can you dress as a cleaner on your day off?
Will there be marzipan?
My husband is brilliant with all the tech and layout stuff, I would lend him to you and you could talk about South Africa and music, but we are in Delaware.
It is your words I care the most about.
Just post a big picture of Burrito in the meantime, please?

3 katherine February 26, 2009 at 4:11 am

Ohhh it sounds very Cath Kidston; you’ll have to get some gingham in there? My sig. other can do tech stuff too but obviously that’s no help as we’re up here in the North of England (and it is grim today). Me? If it isn’t public sector, I just don’t get it…it took me a good 6 months to figure this blog stuff out

katherine’s last blog post..Dr Google….anyone else googling symptoms?

4 Domestic Engineer February 26, 2009 at 7:01 am

I agree with Jessica K, your words are what matter, but if you are unhappy with the layout, then so be it. Yes, a pic of the cats would be much appreciated…

5 mothership February 26, 2009 at 8:17 am

nappyvalleygirl: I, too, was rather sniffy about graphic design and layout at art school. I preferred, instead, to do advanced spliff rolling, bed-hopping and play with synthesisers, none of which were actually on the curriculum. Seems like I should have fit it into my busy schedule.
Jessica: I’d love to meet your husband, someday. But mainly I’d like to see you and repeat the cleaning lady/marzipan day. Photo of Burrito coming SOON!!! This is part of reason for changing themes – easier to deal with images and buttons and things.
Katherine. Fear not, there will be NO gingham/CathKidston/Martha Stewart type of cuteness going on here. And if you see me scrapbooking please send the men in white coats out. I don’t have anything against it per se, but it’s so far from my essential style (or lack, thereof) that you will know I’ve forgotten my meds and will shortly be getting out the AK47 for a columbine style massacre.
Domestic, I think it’s going to be just the one cat as Husband is the monogamous type (unlike me, I’m SUCH a slut) but pic of KITTY as soon as can figure it out, promise!!!!!

mothership’s last blog post..A Toe in the Water of Technology..

6 Home Office Mum February 26, 2009 at 11:49 pm

I am beyond crap at all things technical so wishing you much luck as you venture forth into the world of geekdom

Home Office Mum’s last blog post..My sailing history part 1: Maiden voyage

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