It’s all about Meme

by Mothership on May 1, 2009

Even more contagious than Swine Flu are the memes floating around the blogosphere, and I have been tagged by the lovely Jo at SoapBox Mummy with a list of questions. 

I am not sure you really want to know the answers to them, but hey, it’s Friday night and you might not have a babysitter or anything on telly to watch, so you can glance through the answers and learn all sorts of things you never knew which will take up valuable space in your brain, but probably not for long, if you’re anything like me, so that’s some kind of consolation, no?
Here goes.

Oh, by the way, one of the things about this is that I have to infect 6 other people at the end of it so if you’re a blogger who comes here a lot, there is a chance I’m going to give you cooties.

1. What are your current obsessions?
 Do you think that my new, incredibly expensive skincare regime, sold to me by the creepy dermatolagist, Dr. Slime, which promises to rid me of sun damage and fine lines in 6 – 12 weeks is actually working?
I know I’m on week 3 so it’s too early to tell, right?  I am peeling like a reptile so that is probably progress, isn’t it?  Is it? I’d better go and check in the mirror…
But do I look any younger/clearer skinned? You can’t tell? Oh okay….
….But do you think I look better or worse than when I started?
Should I carry on and see it through? I looked it up on the internet and it said to suck it up and carry on but I am worried. Oh? You think I should follow the directions and not worry. Yes, you’re  probably right. But anyway, do I look reasonably okay, not too awful? Darling? Darling? Are you asleep?  Hello?

2. Which item from your wardrobe do you wear most often?
Is it:
a) a ballgown fashioned of gossamer and fairy dust

b) whatever is on the top of the laundry basket

c) my dance clothes as I am in class 3 or 4 times a week

(hint: it is probably not the first answer)

3. Last dream you had?
Had terrifying dream involving car crashes, dead children and careless drivers on bridges. Had to wake Husband, I was so upset (blame antibiotics, totally gruesome)

4. Last thing you bought?
Purchased black cat costume on internet for Four who has outgrown the last one that she has worn for every single dressing up occasion since she was two. She turns 5 in a couple of weeks and is planning, predictably, to dress up as…a black cat at her birthday party. At $16.99 I am getting extremely good mileage out of these costumes.

5. What are you listening to?
The ticking of the clock, purring of the cat
My thoughts across the keyboard, ratatatat

6. If you were a god/goddess who would you be?
Look, I’m here aren’t I? What more could you ask?

7. Favourite holiday spots?
In the bush in Africa. Set me free upon the earth and let me roam.

8. Reading right now?
For the umpteenth time ‘The Blind Assasin’ Margaret Atwood, ‘Peace is Every Step’ Thich Nhat Hanh, ‘Hot, Flat and Crowded’, Thomas L Friedman, ‘Five Children and It’ E Nesbit.

9. Four words to describe yourself.
Irreverent, funny, complex, thinker

10. Guilty pleasure?
Mind is blank. Usually quite upfront and shameless about bad habits.

11. Who or what makes you laugh until you’re weak?
My mother can reduce me to tears of hysterical laughter just by looking at me in a certain way, usually in a situation where we are not supposed to laugh. I am prone to getting the giggles at inopportune moments and she is the mistress of setting me off. It usually ends with both of us falling on the floor, writhing and frothing at the mouth unable to speak. 

12. Favourite spring thing to do?
We went on a family picnic to see the incredible spectacle of purple lupines and orange California poppies on the mountainside a few weeks ago. It was quite breathtaking and is becoming an annual tradition.

13. When you die, what would you like people to say about you at your funeral?
Wow, she lived a REALLY long time, and everyone loved her SO much! And she never looked a day over 30, that was quite extraordinary…

14. Best thing you ate or drank lately?
I ate three slices of very buttery marmite toast with a giant pot of earl grey tea, followed by a packet of Cadbury’s chocolate fingers. This is nothing to you, but for me, stuck in STEPFORD, far far away from all things home, it was pure bliss.

15. When did you last go for a night out?
A couple of weeks ago I went to dinner with a friend. Since then we have been battling various boring viruses. Not that it’s a hotbed of scintillating nightlife here, or anything.

16. Favourite ever film?
“This Is Spinal Tap”.  It’s so real.

17. Care to share some wisdom?
“The morning is wiser than the evening.”

18. Song you can’t get out of your head?
Whatever I have been working on lately thrums around my head and will not leave, but usually it separates itself into different parts (snare pattern, backing vocals, synth line etc). Can be maddening.

19. Thing you are looking forward to?
I am greatly looking forward to my headache going away, my hair being its rightful colour again (see previous posts for agonising drama) and to my seeing my children when they get home from school.

20. If money were no object, which shoe designer would you wear?
I don’t think I would like to wear a shoe designer. I would prefer to wear shoes.

Rules of the game. Respond and rework. Answer questions on your own blog. Replace one question. Add one question. Tag 6 people.

You’re it:

Razor Kitty

Cranky is the New Perky

Noble Savage

Not Wrong Just Different

Supply and Demands

It’s not just me is it


1 westendmum May 2, 2009 at 11:02 am

I can see purple lupins and orange poppies in my head now, lovely, thanks.
Spinal Tap are actually playing on 30th June in London, see pic! I mistyped that and it came up as Spaniel Tap, could that be interesting?

2 Mothership May 2, 2009 at 3:25 pm

OMG! If ONLY I could go.. But alas I will not be in London on that date. It might actually be too terrible a shock for me to see them 30 years after they made the movie anyway. Nothing more unattractive than aging rockers. Oh wait..

3 Jessica K May 3, 2009 at 7:47 am

I did it – come check it out and thanks for inspiring me!

4 A Modern Mother May 4, 2009 at 10:16 am

You are hilarious.

5 katherine May 4, 2009 at 11:23 am

Right, not sure how this works. I was tagged once and did it BUT being new and all, didn’t think I would get tagged again…SO….I didn’t bother to wait for anymore tags, not expecting it and all. Do I re-do the questions? Arrggghhh, not sure of the form here; it’s like being the new girl (GIRL? HA HA HA HA HA, who am I kidding) at school again. I will take advice and thank you for the tag. Liked #14; can you buy Marmite in the US or is it imported? D’you have KitKats (couldn’t live without KitKats)

katherine’s last blog post..da, da, da ,da, da, daaaaaa….. MY SHARONA!!!

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