PR man, our relationship isn’t working..

by Mothership on April 29, 2010

I get quite a lot of requests from PR people these days.

I can’t really work out why.

If anything I post less frequently and the quality might have taken a slight dip *cough* due to lack of talent but perhaps I’m on some sort of ‘hit ’em up’ list and there are at least two or three in my inbox each morning with a request for something or other.

The clever ones address me by my psuedonym, Mothership, and say something specific about my blog to show they’ve actually read it, and then put in a polite request to see if I am interested in something like a paid post or commercial link.  I always respond to these quickly and politely. I don’t often accept them. In fact I never have to date as there hasn’t been anything I’ve been particularly interested in but I live in hope that Native Instruments will ask me to test out some music software (not v. likely on a parent blog, but you never know?)

The not-so-clever ones clearly send out the same email to everyone on their giant list which is not what I would do, but perhaps this blanket approach works for them, I don’t know. However, I do know that bloggers are a community, built on people, trust and relationships so I would have thought they’d be more successful with a bit more care.

I have been known to be rather sharp-tongued with fools. It’s true I do not suffer them gladly.

However, one cannot accuse me of rudely not writing back.

Here is a gem I received this morning, plus my reply. I just had to share:


I’m emailing from the PR agency for ChitChat Bingo about some research that they have recently done in to small talk. I have a release here with some interesting statistics, for example the research revealed that Mums are considered the best in the family at telling stories. The release also has some information on why we engage in small talk, who we do it with, where we do it etc. Is this something that you think you would like to hear more about? If so I could send you through the release.
I look forward to hearing your thoughts.


Dear James,

Thank you for reaching out. I appreciate this is part of your job.

However, this research sounds not only mind-numbingly boring to me, but also highly dubious in its scientific premise. I find it difficult to believe that the questions or results have not been manipulated (as it is so easy to do) to show that ‘small talk’ is in some way important and linked to our innate parenting ability – that would be the attempt to flatter me and my readers with the ‘revelation’ that Mums are considered the best in the family at telling stories.

What discredits it further is that the ‘research’ has been nobly funded by a company who has a vested interested in getting people to spend time and money indulging in ‘small talk’ online in order to fuel what I suspect are huge profits.

So, I’m going to have to say no. Not interested.


P.S. I respond very politely to most P.R. queries. This one just offended me.


1 Potty Mummy April 29, 2010 at 9:59 am

You see, that’s so much more elegant than just hitting delete (like I did…). Very funny MS!
.-= Potty Mummy´s last blog ..Right, let’s try that again… =-.

2 Emily O April 29, 2010 at 11:11 am

Very funny reply, I’d love to spend the time creating these fantastic replies. Noble Savage did a similarish post about a PR approach offending her a few weeks ago. Some real rubbish gets sent through doesn’t it? I had an overly personalised chatty e-mail recently which was clearly thought up like that to get me to mention a brand for nothing in return. When I asked for something in return I was met with deafening silence. And I keep getting sent grapefruit recipes. Someting for when I’ve dried up maybe.
.-= Emily O´s last blog ..My own Gordon-style gaffe =-.

3 KateP April 29, 2010 at 11:12 am

Ahahaha! Hilarious. What a knob. Did he reply? You MUST post the reply if he did.
.-= KateP´s last blog ..Low Fat Blueberry and Banana Muffins =-.

4 nappyvalleygirl April 29, 2010 at 11:36 am

I saw this email but didn’t even bother to read it all the way through because it just sounded so boring….. I like your reply though. I just tend to hit delete unless something really grabs me – which is rarely. I think the fact that we are all getting so many approaches is more about the sudden fascination of the PR world with blogs; too bad they don’t actually understand what makes blogger tick.
.-= nappyvalleygirl´s last blog ..Portrait of a Force of Nature =-.

5 Metropolitan Mum April 29, 2010 at 1:13 pm

Oh, I didn’t get this one. I assume I am the one with no talent whatsoever then.
I love your reply. What would you write back to someone who offers you a press release and a picture of a cake (instead of an actual cake). Just out of interest…
.-= Metropolitan Mum´s last blog ..Was dressing exactly like Carrie Bradshaw ever the idea? =-.

6 cartside April 29, 2010 at 1:46 pm

I got it too and found it quite offensive. I just deleted it, I wish I had the time, inclination and talent to write a reply like yours!!! I do scratch my head a lot at some of the pitches, where I really don’t get why I should be interested.

7 London City Mum April 30, 2010 at 1:21 am

Had a similar one last week. My reply along the lines of yours but also contained the phrase “currently stranded in Rio and have more pressing matters to focus on at the moment, like getting home”.

.-= London City Mum´s last blog ..For the love of gardening =-.

8 Mothership April 30, 2010 at 10:10 am

I do try to write back to people because I am often in the position of writing (for my business) to other companies trying to interest them in my services, so it feels like bad karma just to ignore genuine efforts, even if I have to decline, politely. However, in this case I felt it was my MORAL DUTY to reply to this recidivist, reductive, offensive, sexist, patronising crap. So I MADE the time to do it. And though one could argue that there are better things to do, I honestly feel that one should fight back when the urge is upon one, so I did (plus better than just fuming at being insulted, even indirectly). I felt great once I’d done it.
I’ve been reading ‘Living Dolls – The Return of Sexism’ by Natasha Walter this week and it’s got me all fired up (even more than usual) so even if I was inclined to let things slip (and really, that’s unlikely) it’s NOT HAPPENING TODAY.
Take that, you pathetic little PR twit!

9 Iota April 30, 2010 at 10:26 am

I hardly get any, so enjoy the humiliation of PR people vicariously though posts like this. I did get on the other day, though, that said it particularly enjoyed my review section. I just replied “I’m so glad you particularly enjoy my review section” (I don’t have one, of course).

I don’t get many, but I do get the grapefruit recipes that Emily O mentions (don’t want you to think I’m a total nobody blogger – at least I get the grapefruits…)
.-= Iota´s last blog ..Associations Part ll: politics for children =-.

10 Mothership April 30, 2010 at 10:35 am

Emily, Iota, I don’t get the grapefruit recipes, so you are obviously on the *special* list. Are any of them any good?
I got a hilariously macabre one the other day offering me some ‘exciting news regarding the recalled strollers that had been amputating infant’s fingers’. Oh, I’m so excited about children’s fingers being cut off! What can you offer me? A sewing kit? Plus it was from an agency called LUCRE. Can you F*cking BELIEVE IT?!

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